Foundational SEO Best Practices

Making sure your website or online presence is optimized for search is truly foundational to the success of any organic digital marketing efforts. This guide outlines best practices for writing website metadata and steps to take for implementing those efforts to let your SEO work for you.
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The Impact of iOS14

The beauty and the difficulty of the technological age is change. On one hand, technological change brings constant innovation which leads to improvements in our lives and work. On the other hand, these same changes require us to adapt and adjust our systems, thought processes, and approach to utilizing technology. This is true of the recent iOS 14 update announced…

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CTV, OTT, Streaming–Oh my!

CTV, OTT, and streaming video have become increasingly popular over the past three to five years due to the rise in streaming digital content. These advertising mediums (primarily referred to as CTV below) have businesses of all sizes taking notice and considering them as part of their marketing tool bag – and for good reason. what is it?This advertising medium…

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Understanding Your Prospective Customer & How They Internet

There is no cookie-cutter approach for digital marketing strategies. What’s best or what a company “should” be doing really depends on their goals, personality, and most importantly–their consumer. Whether the strategies you select are effective are almost always directly linked to how your consumer responds to them. And in order to set those in motion, you have to have an…

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